1. The crisis of kingship in late medieval Islam :
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Mazandaran University (Mazandaran)
Subject: 1520. ; Sovereignty. ; -Monarchy ; Turkey. ; Political science ; Turkey ; History ; 16th century. ; Idr?is Bitl?is?i, ;

2. The crisis of kingship in late medieval Islam :
Author: Christopher Markiewicz.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: İdrîs Bitlîsî,-1520.,İdrîs Bitlîsî,-1520.,Monarchy-- Turkey.,Political science-- Turkey-- History-- 16th century.,Sovereignty.,Monarchy.,Political science.,Politics and government.,Sovereignty.,Turkey, Politics and government.,Turkey., 0, 7
Classification :

3. The crisis of rule in late medieval Islam: A study of Idrīs Bidlīsī (861-926/1457-1520) and kingship at the turn of the sixteenth century
Author: Christopher Andrew Markiewicz
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Middle Eastern history; Islamic Studies; Near Eastern Studies,Social sciences;Bidlisi, Idria;Historiography;Islamic history;Ottoman Empire;Political thought;Timurids

4. The immigration experience among elderly Egyptian immigrants in the United States
Author: Ihab Girgis
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Gerontology; Social psychology; Social work; Middle Eastern Studies; Individual & family studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Psychology;Arabic;Coping mechanisms;Egyptian;Elderly;Immigration;Risk and protective factors